
More Obama Swag...

Thank you to the Brighter Fusion blog for linking here to share the Obama logos in vector. Also go there to find links to these neat Obama posters, available free for download.


MyArtInProgress said...

Yay obama! thanks for these links.

MyArtInProgress said...

I tried to get that obama button link from your side bar but when I clicked on it, it said myspace site disabled? Not really sure what to do next.

mbc said...

For anyone that needs an Obama campaign button, go to: myspace.com/barackobama and you can get the code there! :-)

Anonymous said...

When it comes to innovative swag, you can't get much better than Ojamas (yes, Obama Pajamas LOL!) They begin shipping in October - just in time for the election. If he wins, these things will be off the hook for Christmas!