
Inspire Me Thursday

Before you look at my "Inspire Me Thursday", you need to know that it's a typographic representation of the poem, "Images", by Tyrone Green. Tyrone was a fictional character played by Eddie Murphy on Saturday Night Live a LONG time ago. Tyrone was a prison inmate who won a poem contest. This is his poem that won. :-) You have to hear Eddie Murphy read it as Tyrone. VERY funny. If you have never heard this poem, looking at this version of "Images", imagine that this is how the poem sounded to me relayed back in a visual format. It's kind of hard to read, so here are the words:

"Images", by Tyrone Green

Go to his house in the middle of the night.
Kill my landlord. Kill my landlord.
A dog is barking. Do he bite?
Kill my landlord. Kill my landlord.
Sneak in his room. Break his neck.
Then his house I start to wreck.
Got no reason. What the heck?
Kill my landlord. Kill my landlord.


shannonjyl said...

my kids have no idea who eddie murphy "really" is..

Amy Zaleski said...

Oh wow, I haven't thought about that skit in YEARS, but I do remember it very well! That was also one of the last SNL casts that was good (Guest, Shearer, Crystal, AND Murphy). I'm laughing at shannonjyl's comment on who he "really" is...one word, "Delirious." Your cake illo is great ~ I love the puzzle approach!

carla said...

Oh wow! This is like a running skit in our household! When we're trying to communicate about something that went wrong at work, we often just say C-I-L-L my landlord... Thanks for the laugh:>>>