This home is the eternal home of someone I do not know. Sometimes I wonder what my gravestone will look like. Morbid, huh? I've already told my family I want a black casket and not white. White caskets remind me of white tuxes—a bad idea.
Why can't it be both?. I read in "Life Weekend Magazine" about a sculptor named Patrick Amiot who makes the most amazing folk art out of discarded junk. Very whimsical and unique, the sculptures decorate his front yard in Sebastopol, California. Inspires you to create designs from your own garbage treasure. Check out his gallery at Patrick Amiot.
At Inspiration Challenge, the theme is: "The World of Elegance". Silver + crystal + vintage ornaments = elegance (to me at least). Inspiration Challenge
You might wonder why I consider this "beautiful". This is a monkey carved from a coconut that I've had since I was a child. I picked it out when my parents and I took a trip to Hawaii in the 70s. I will never throw it out. I love the colors and the way the artist carved the face. I like the leather ears and the marble eyes. More than anything it is the memories of the vacation that make this my "beautiful sunday" choice. Beautiful Sunday
Here's a new photo challenge that I've discovered. "Picture Words" posts a quote that each participant interprets with their own photo. This week the quote is,"In the early morning - shine". The contrast of the sunshine on the green grass with the shady play spot in the background caught my eye. Picture Words